[Index of Lectures]

[ L01 L02 L03 L04 L05 L06 L07 L08 L09 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 ]

Lecture 01—Course overview, BSL expressions, functions

Before Lecture

If possible, before lecture 1, please go to the Setup page, which you can access from https://cs110.students.cs.ubc.ca/admin/links.html and follow the directions for setting up DrRacket.

During Lecture

This lecture has 3 parts:

By the end of the lecture—including the post-lecture work—you should be able to:

The starters for this lecture are:

After Lecture

Congratulations on finishing lecture 1! Remember to ask questions anytime something isn't clear in lecture. Forming questions is a key part of learning, so forming and asking questions in lecture is learning!

To complete the lecture first review primitives-starter (the solution is below).

Then work through all the sections of edX Module 1A: BSL. Once you are done you can complete the functions-starter file and work through it. Remember that reading the solution file before working hard to solve it yourself is the worst way to try to learn this material—you have to struggle through it some yourself before looking at the solution or else you spoil the learning opportunity the problem gives you.

The solutions for this lecture are:

BEFORE the next lecture be sure to go to it and do the pre-work it asks for.

Again, welcome to the course. If you work hard and stay caught up we believe you will enjoy discovering programming and a knowing a systemtic approach to solving difficult design problems.

Be sure to complete the before lecture section of Lecture 2 before that lecture.