[Index of Lectures]

[ L01 L02 L03 L04 L05 L06 L07 L08 L09 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 ]

Lecture 23—Summary and Looking Ahead

Before Lecture

Be sure to work through and review the material from lecture Lecture 22 so that you can ask questions about that material if you have any.

During Lecture

In this lecture we will do three things:

The starter for this lecture is:

After Lecture

The best way to prepare for the final is to work through practice problems without looking at solutions. It's even better if you do that during office hours, when a member of the staff can give you feedback and hints if you get stuck.

Finally—thanks for spending the term with us. We hope that you will feel you learned a lot and that it was worth the investment you made in spending your time on this material.