
This page provides a summary of the programming language used in this course: Beginning Student Language in How to Code: Simple Data, then progressing to Intermediate and Advanced in How to Code: Complex Data.


Numbers: 1, 3.5, 1/2, #i1.4142135623730951, ...
Strings: "Marvolo", "Black", "carrot", ...
Images: , ,...
Booleans: true, false
Compound data: (make-person "Claude" "Monet"), ...
Lists: empty, (cons 2 (cons 1 empty)), (cons "x" (cons "y" (cons "z" empty))), ...

NOTE: The primitive types are: Number, Integer, Natural (Integers greater than or equal to 0), String, Image and Boolean
            2htdp/image also provides a primitive Color type, and 2htdp/universe provides primitive KeyEvent and MouseEvent types.

Primitive Operations

+, -, *, / ...
string-append, string-length, substring ...
circle, square, overlay, above, beside...
not, =, <, >, string=?, string<?, cons, first, rest, empty?, cons?

Forming Expressions

<value> 3
<name-of-defined-constant> WIDTH
(<name-of-primitive-operation> <expression> ...) (+ 2 (* 3 6))
(<name-of-defined-function> <expression> ...)

A function call should have the same number of operands as parameters.
(yell "hello")
(if <question>

<question> must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean.
<true-answer> and <false-answer> must be expressions.
(if (> (string-length x) 3)
(cond [<question> <answer>]

Each <question> must be either else or an expression that evaluates to a boolean.
Each <answer> must be an expression.
(cond [(> x y) "more"]
      [(< x y) "less"]
      [else "same"])
(and <question> ...)

Each <question> must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean.
(and (< 0 x) (>= x 10))
(or <question> ...)

Each <question> must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean.
(or (< x 0) (> x 10))
Intermediate Student Language

(local [<definition>...]

Any function or constant defined within the local is valid within the entire body of the local expression, but not outside of the local expression. 

(local [(define DOT (circle 5 "solid" "red"))
        (define (add-dot img)
          (beside img DOT))] 
  (add-dot (square 20 "solid" "blue")))

The course no longer uses the shared language construct in designing graph data definitions. Instead it uses the map and lookup function approach.

Forming Definitions

(define SIZE (* 3 6))         ;a constant definition, the value of SIZE is 18
(define (bulb c)              ;defines a function named bulb, with parameter c
  (circle 30 "solid" c))      ;this is the body of the function
(define-struct wand (wood core length))  ;defines the functions below:

; constructor: make-wand
; selectors:   wand-wood, wand-core, wand-length
; predicate:   wand?

Evaluation Rules

For a constant reference, such as SIZE:

For a call to a primitive such as (+ 2 (* 3 6)):

For a call to a defined function such as (bulb (string-append "r" "ed")):

For example:

(bulb (string-append "r" "ed"))
(bulb "red")
(circle 30 "solid" "red")

For an if expression:

For example:

(if (> (+ 1 2) 3)     
    (* 2 3)          
    (* 3 4))      ;since (> (+ 1 2) 3) is an expression, not a value,
                  ;evaluate it left to right
(if (> 3 3)
    (* 2 3)
    (* 3 4))       

(if false     
    (* 2 3) 
    (* 3 4))           
                  ;replace entire if expression with the false answer expression
(* 3 4)    
                  ;evaluate false answer expression 

For a cond expression:

For example:

(cond [(> 3 3) "more"]     
      [(< 3 3) "less"]     
      [else "same"]) 
                        ;the first question is not a value, the expression
                        ;(> 3 3) is evaluated and replaced with a value
(cond [false "more"]        
      [(< 3 3) "less"]                            
      [else "same"])     
                        ;the first question is false, so the first
                        ;question/answer pair is dropped  
(cond [(< 3 3) "less"]     
      [else "same"])       
                        ;the first question is not a value, so (< 3 3) 
                        ;is evaluated and replaced with its value
(cond [false "less"]       
      [else "same"])       
                        ;the first question is false, so the first
                        ;question/answer pair is dropped 
(cond [else "same"])       
                        ;since the question is else, the entire cond expression            
                        ;is replaced by the answer               

For an and expression:

For example:

(and (< 0 3) 
     (< 3 10))    ;since (< 0 3) is an expression, not a value,
                  ;evaluate it
(and true        
     (< 3 10))    

(and true
     (< 3 10))    ;now evaluate (< 3 10)       
(and true

true              ;entire and produces true

For an or expression:

For example:

(or (< 14 0)      ;evaluate (< 14 0)
    (> 14 10)) 
(or false        
    (> 14 10))    ;now evaluate (> 14 10)

(or false
    true)         ;operand produced true

true              ;so entire or produces true

Intermediate Student Language

For a local expression:

For example:

(define b 1)
(+ b
   (local [(define b 2)]
     (* b b))
                        ;b evaluates to its defined value, 1

(define b 1)
(+ 1
   (local [(define b 2)]
     (* b b))
                        ; since b is a locally-defined constant,
                        ;it is renamed to a globally unique name b_0
                        ;the local definition of b_0 is lifted to
                        ;the top level and the entire local expression
                        ;is replaced by its body

(define b 1)
(define b_0 2)          ;---this renamed define was lifted

(+ 1
  (* b_0 b_0)           ;---entire local replaced by renamed body

                        ;evaluation continues normally from this point

Built-In Abstract Functions

ISL and ASL have the following built-in abstract functions.

(@signature Natural (Natural -> X) -> (listof X))
;; produces (list (f 0) ... (f (- n 1)))
(define (build-list n f) ...)

(@signature (X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> (listof X))
;; produce a list from all those items on lox for which p holds
(define (filter p lox) ...)

(@signature (X -> Y) (listof X) -> (listof Y))
;; produce a list by applying f to each item on lox
;; that is, (map f (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (list (f x-1) ... (f x-n))
(define (map f lox) ...)

(@signature (X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> Boolean)
;; produce true if p produces true for every element of lox
(define (andmap p lox) ...)

(@signature (X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> Boolean)
;; produce true if p produces true for some element of lox
(define (ormap p lox) ...)

(@signature (X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y)
;; (foldr f base (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-1 ... (f x-n base))
(define (foldr f base lox) ...)

(@signature (X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y)
;; (foldl f base (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-n ... (f x-1 base))
(define (foldl f base lox) ...)