This page provides a summary of the programming language used in this course: Beginning Student Language in How to Code: Simple Data, then progressing to Intermediate and Advanced in How to Code: Complex Data.
Numbers: | 1, 3.5, 1/2, #i1.4142135623730951, ... |
Strings: | "Marvolo", "Black", "carrot", ... |
Images: | ![]() ![]() |
Booleans: | true, false |
Compound data: | (make-person "Claude" "Monet"), ... |
Lists: | empty, (cons 2 (cons 1 empty)), (cons "x" (cons "y" (cons "z" empty))), ... |
NOTE: The primitive types are: Number, Integer, Natural (Integers greater than or equal to 0), String, Image and Boolean
2htdp/image also provides a primitive Color type, and 2htdp/universe provides primitive KeyEvent and MouseEvent types.
+, -, *, / ...
string-append, string-length, substring ...
circle, square, overlay, above, beside...
not, =, <, >, string=?, string<?, cons, first, rest, empty?, cons?
Form | Example |
<value> | 3 |
<name-of-defined-constant> | WIDTH |
(<name-of-primitive-operation> <expression> ...) | (+ 2 (* 3 6)) |
(<name-of-defined-function> <expression> ...) A function call should have the same number of operands as parameters. |
(yell "hello") |
(if <question> <true-answer> <false-answer>) <question> must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean. <true-answer> and <false-answer> must be expressions. |
(if (> (string-length x) 3) "long" "short") |
(cond [<question> <answer>] ...) Each <question> must be either else or an expression that evaluates to a boolean. Each <answer> must be an expression. |
(cond [(> x y) "more"] [(< x y) "less"] [else "same"]) |
(and <question> ...) Each <question> must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean. |
(and (< 0 x) (>= x 10)) |
(or <question> ...) Each <question> must be an expression that evaluates to a boolean. |
(or (< x 0) (> x 10)) |
Intermediate Student Language (local [<definition>...] <expression>) Any function or constant defined within the local is valid within the entire body of the local expression, but not outside of the local expression. |
(local [(define DOT (circle 5 "solid" "red")) (define (add-dot img) (beside img DOT))] (add-dot (square 20 "solid" "blue"))) |
The course no longer uses the shared language construct in designing graph data definitions. Instead it uses the map and lookup function approach. |
(define SIZE (* 3 6)) ;a constant definition, the value of SIZE is 18
(define (bulb c) ;defines a function named bulb, with parameter c (circle 30 "solid" c)) ;this is the body of the function
(define-struct wand (wood core length)) ;defines the functions below: ; constructor: make-wand ; selectors: wand-wood, wand-core, wand-length ; predicate: wand?
For a constant reference, such as SIZE:
For a call to a primitive such as (+ 2 (* 3 6)):
For a call to a defined function such as (bulb (string-append "r" "ed")):
For example:
(bulb (string-append "r" "ed")) (bulb "red") (circle 30 "solid" "red")
For an if expression:
For example:
(if (> (+ 1 2) 3) (* 2 3) (* 3 4)) ;since (> (+ 1 2) 3) is an expression, not a value, ;evaluate it left to right (if (> 3 3) (* 2 3) (* 3 4)) (if false (* 2 3) (* 3 4)) ;replace entire if expression with the false answer expression (* 3 4) ;evaluate false answer expression 12
For a cond expression:
For example:
(cond [(> 3 3) "more"] [(< 3 3) "less"] [else "same"]) ;the first question is not a value, the expression ;(> 3 3) is evaluated and replaced with a value (cond [false "more"] [(< 3 3) "less"] [else "same"]) ;the first question is false, so the first ;question/answer pair is dropped (cond [(< 3 3) "less"] [else "same"]) ;the first question is not a value, so (< 3 3) ;is evaluated and replaced with its value (cond [false "less"] [else "same"]) ;the first question is false, so the first ;question/answer pair is dropped (cond [else "same"]) ;since the question is else, the entire cond expression ;is replaced by the answer "same"
For an and expression:
For example:
(and (< 0 3) (< 3 10)) ;since (< 0 3) is an expression, not a value, ;evaluate it (and true (< 3 10)) (and true (< 3 10)) ;now evaluate (< 3 10) (and true true) true ;entire and produces true
For an or expression:
For example:
(or (< 14 0) ;evaluate (< 14 0) (> 14 10)) (or false (> 14 10)) ;now evaluate (> 14 10) (or false true) ;operand produced true true ;so entire or produces true
Intermediate Student Language
For a local expression:
For example:
(define b 1) (+ b (local [(define b 2)] (* b b)) b) ;b evaluates to its defined value, 1 (define b 1) (+ 1 (local [(define b 2)] (* b b)) b) ; since b is a locally-defined constant, ;it is renamed to a globally unique name b_0 ;the local definition of b_0 is lifted to ;the top level and the entire local expression ;is replaced by its body (define b 1) (define b_0 2) ;---this renamed define was lifted (+ 1 (* b_0 b_0) ;---entire local replaced by renamed body b) ;evaluation continues normally from this point
ISL and ASL have the following built-in abstract functions.
(@signature Natural (Natural -> X) -> (listof X)) ;; produces (list (f 0) ... (f (- n 1))) (define (build-list n f) ...) (@signature (X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> (listof X)) ;; produce a list from all those items on lox for which p holds (define (filter p lox) ...) (@signature (X -> Y) (listof X) -> (listof Y)) ;; produce a list by applying f to each item on lox ;; that is, (map f (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (list (f x-1) ... (f x-n)) (define (map f lox) ...) (@signature (X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> Boolean) ;; produce true if p produces true for every element of lox (define (andmap p lox) ...) (@signature (X -> Boolean) (listof X) -> Boolean) ;; produce true if p produces true for some element of lox (define (ormap p lox) ...) (@signature (X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y) ;; (foldr f base (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-1 ... (f x-n base)) (define (foldr f base lox) ...) (@signature (X Y -> Y) Y (listof X) -> Y) ;; (foldl f base (list x-1 ... x-n)) = (f x-n ... (f x-1 base)) (define (foldl f base lox) ...)