CPSC 110 Exam Instructions

Midterm 1 is scheduled from 6:00-8:00 PM on Tuesday, February 4.

Students who are registered with the Centre for Accessibility must register through the CFA exam portal before their specified deadline to receive exam accommodations.

Do not attend the exam if you are ill and/or experiencing any symptoms (e.g., fever, coughing, sneezing, etc.) that put others at risk. If you attend the exam and are visibly/audibly ill, we will ask you to leave. Please follow the instructions in the Absences/Missing Assignments policy in the syllabus.


Details About the Exam


The exam will cover all material up to and including the ref module (all material means videos, lecture, problem sets, labs, lecture notes, etc.).


The exam will be invigilated in person in large lecture rooms on campus.

The exam room you are assigned to is based on the spelling of your last name. At UBC, your last name (sometimes referred to as your surname or family name) is listed in your profile on Workday Student. If you are unfamiliar with how to use alphabetical order to determine where your name falls in a list of names, please familiarize yourself by searching online. Please refrain from asking which exam room you should go to, as there are hundreds of students in the course and it is not feasible for the course team to answer this question for individual students. If you go to the wrong exam room, you will be asked to go to your assigned exam room and you will not be given extra time to complete your exam.

Students who have registered for the exam through the CFA exam portal before their specified deadline will write their exam at the location mentioned in their booking confirmation email from the CFA.

  • ANGU 098: Last names starting with Aba-Jos
  • CHBE 101: Last names starting with Kan-Ryb
  • PHRM 1101: Last names starting with Sak-Zou


You are required to bring:

  • A computer and a compatible charger*.
  • Your UBC student card or a piece of government-issued ID that has your name and photo.
  • A pen or pencil.

We will provide:

  • Scrap paper for rough work.

*You are responsible for ensuring that your computer has enough power to complete the exam. There are AC power outlets spaced throughout the exam rooms. We recommend bringing a power bank or arriving early to find a spot near an outlet if you are concerned about your computer running out of battery. The course team is unable to provide accommodation in the event that your computer runs out of battery and you do not have a charger.


The exam is scheduled for 2 hours. It will consist of a number of separate starter files, each containing one or more problems. You will download each starter file, design your solution(s), and then submit that file using SPD handin. You can go through the files in any order you want and you can submit each file as many times as you want. There is no cooldown period to wait between submissions but you will not receive autograder feedback about your submissions at any point during the exam. While you can submit a starter file more than once, we encourage you to submit each file as soon as you finish it, and then not resubmit that file unless you change something.

Note the following two important points that interact: we only grade your last submission before the submission deadline AND we want you to hand in a running program for each file. On some problems, handing in a file that cannot run without errors will receive a grade of 0. Some problems are less stringent, but it will always be the case that handing in a file that fails the DrRacket Check Syntax button will receive significantly reduced marks. If you hand in a file where tests run but some tests get errors, there will be a small penalty. Failing tests is an evern smaller penalty. As a result, you should use the Check Syntax button and run your file very often to make sure that you are eliminating errors as you go, and especially before you submit.

You must stop working and submit your last file right away when we annouce that the exam ends. We may provide a minute or two of extra time to submit, but only if the server logs indicate to us that there was an actual delay. If you continue working past the end of the exam, you will receive a grade of 0 for the entire exam.

Exams are graded with a combination of auto-grading and hand grading. For some questions, hand grading may form a larger percentage of your grade than auto-grading. Other questions will be entirely autograded. To get full credit for a problem, all the tests must run and pass, and your design must fully comply with the design recipes in the course.

If you have any doubt about the difference between Check Syntax problems, errors that prevent tests from running, errors that arise when running the tests, and failing tests; then please use Piazza right now to ask questions and clarify that confusion as questions will not be answered during the exam.

Steps for Writing the Exam

Step 1: Academic Integrity Pledge

By attending the exam, you are acknowledging the following pledge:

I hereby pledge that I have read and will abide by the rules, regulations, and expectations set out in the Academic Calendar, with particular attention paid to:

  1. The Student Declaration: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=3,285,0,0
  2. The Academic Honesty and Standards: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=3,286,0,0
  3. The Student Conduct During Examinations: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/index.cfm?tree=3,41,90,0
  4. And any special rules for conduct as set out by the examiner.

I affirm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help on this examination, that all work will be my own, and that I will abide by any special rules for conduct set out by the examiner. I affirm that I will neither give assistance to, nor receive assistance from, another student in this exam. I affirm that I will not communicate in any way with anyone other than an invigilator during the exam.

Step 2: Setup

Before the exam begins, you must:

  • Power off and put away any electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc.) other than the computer you are using to write the exam.
  • Ensure that your belongings are stored out of the way so that invigilators can walk up and down the rows to examine your screens during the exam.
  • Place your UBC student card or government-issued ID with your name and photo face up on the table next to you and leave it there for the duration of the exam.
  • Quit (not close, quit) all applications on your computer except DrRacket and the exam instructions page (this page) in one browser tab.
  • Make sure that your downloads folder is completely empty.

Step 3: Materials

You may access the following:

  1. The Exam Instructions page (this page).
  2. A single digital copy of the Recipe Checklist, accessed only using the link on this page.
  3. The exam starter files in DrRacket, except that you cannot use the helpdesk or the stepper under any circumstances.
  4. Your computer's downloads folder, which must be empty at the start of the exam and must only contain the exam starter files during the exam.
  5. Your handback directory, which will be cleared of all previous submissions before the exam.
  6. Scrap paper (provided by the invigilators) and a pen or pencil for rough work.

You are NOT ALLOWED to:

  • Have anything open/on your screen other than what is mentioned above.
  • Use a password manager. If you are unable to remember your CWL password, you must copy it in to a blank DrRacket tab and then close your password manager before the exam starts.
  • Use the helpdesk, stepper, or any other DrRacket documentation.
  • Access any portions of the course website, Google, or any other website.
  • Bring/use your own scrap paper, Recipe Checklist, or any other course materials.
  • Bring/use a calculator.
  • Wear earbuds/headphones of any kind. Non-electronic earplugs are fine.
  • Wear a hat or scarf (with the exception of religious garments).

Please note that we do not answer any questions during the exam. If a question is unclear to you, we recommend that you re-read the entire question slowly and carefully. Many times students find the answer to their question this way. If something is still unclear to you, please explain your understanding in a comment in your exam file.

Step 4: Download the Starter Files

The download links for the starter files will be available in the directory linked below at the start of the exam. Note that the link will not work until the exam starts.

Please DO NOT download all the starter files right away as this may overload the server causing a delay for everyone. Just download the first starter file and then download the rest when you need them.

If clicking on a starter file link opens the file as text in your browser window, go back to the exam directory, right click on the link, and choose the option your browser gives you for saving the file as a file (e.g., "save link as" or "download").

You should never add any require declarations to starter files in this course, including exam starter files. The require declarations that are needed will be provided and include: (require spd/tags), (require 2htdp/image), and (require 2htdp/universe). You will not be able to hand in files that contain lines over the 80 character limit or non-textual elements such as comment boxes.

The link to download the starter files will be updated here at the start of the exam.


Step 5: Complete and Submit the Starter Files

Complete the starter files and use SPD Handin to submit each file. You can go through the files in any order you want and you can submit each file as many times as you want. There is no cooldown period to wait between submissions but you will not receive autograder feedback about your submissions at any point during the exam. While you can submit a starter file more than once, we encourage you to submit each file as soon as you finish it, and then not resubmit that file unless you change something. The SPD handin software is reliable. When it reports that your handin was successful, your file has been stored on the handin server.

We are unable to accept any submissions once the submission deadline passes and the exam is over, under any circumstances. It is your responsibility to run, save, and submit your files every few minutes during the exam, and to resolve any submission issues as soon as they arise.

Step 6: Finish the Exam

You must stay in the exam room until the scheduled end time of the exam. We recommend taking any extra time that you may have to thoroughly review your answers and to run, save, and submit each of your files one last time. Please keep your computer open until the end of the exam but do not open anything other than the permitted materials.

Technical Problems

If you have technical problems during the exam (e.g., your computer fails, you can't download the files, you can't access the internet, or the like), please raise your hand and let one of the invigilators know.

Problems Handing In During the Exam

It is your responsibility to run, save, and submit your files every few minutes during the exam and to resolve any submission issues as soon as they arise. If you are unable to submit your files using the SPD handin button, please do the following:

  • Stay calm.
  • Ensure that you have completed the @cwl tag correctly, that you have saved the file, that the file runs without errors, that there are no lines longer than 80 characters, etc.
  • Check your network connection. Sometimes turning your WiFi off and then on again or restarting your VPN can help.
  • Save all your files, quit DrRacket, re-open DrRacket and try to submit your file again.

If you are still not able to submit your file after trying all of the steps above, raise your hand and let one of the invigilators know.

Problems Handing In at the End of the Exam

By the end of the exam, you should only have one file left to submit. If you have tried all of the steps above and you have received permission from the invigilator you notified, email your last file to cpsc110-admin@cs.ubc.ca, making sure to:

  • Complete the @cwl tag correctly.
  • Include your full name and student number in the subject line.
  • Attach the .rkt (Racket) file. Do not send screenshots, a word document, a PDF, copy and paste your work, or anything else.

An emailed file will only be accepted after you have tried all of the steps above and will only be accepted up to 5 minutes after the end of the exam. You may only open your email client if you run into a submission issue during the last 2 minutes of the exam. Opening your email client at any other time during the exam will be considered academic misconduct.